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This movie might look romantic and innocent. It isn’t… Hey guys, The absolute radio silence stems from me trying to change web hosts. A switch that went completely haywire and resulted in a digital disaster 🙁 . I’m just getting on my feet again recovering all my content and hoping to be back in blog / Vlog biz with frequent posts again very soon. Autographing the “Sedona’s Rule” movie poster While doing everything I could to retrieve old and new blog content (pictures, texts, videos since 2008) I stumbled across

Robert Knepper & I after wrap   Trailer Talk from Los Angeles A little peek behind the scenes and into my trailer on the movie ‘1st Born’ Last month I shot the movie 1st Born. I play a small part, but had the pleasure of working with super stars Robert Knepper and Jay Abdo. Two fantastic human beings and fabulous character actors. Such a joyride to work with them and be on set with our great Iranian director Ali Atshani, who directed everyone in his native tongue (!) It was

The Junkie & The Addict “I chase the sun, I chase ‘Vitamin D’” What did you do on your weekend? Well I hung out with another travel addict. Her name is Traveljunkie. An addict and a junkie? That sounds a bit off. But it’s not as bad as it sounds. We are both on the move very often, but usually for different reasons. Traveljunkie, will give you her best recs of hotels, beach clubs, restaurants etc. in warm places around the World. While I, the travel addict, mostly travel for

Downtown Los Angeles Playtime Now I’m in the the ‘pink wall league’ with all the other ‘basic’ bloggers & Instagrammers. And I’m owning it 😀 I’m playing around doing little videos from my travels and every day life. This one is a tidbit from a shoot I did with old friend and photographer PK. ‘Modeling 101’ for anyone interested… PK and I met at the Grammys in LA years back and we have been friends ever since. We both share the love of photography, story telling, authentic people, Italian food

Roof top ‘hygge’ at Perch Downtown LA LA Weather ~ You can’t beat it! Hi my lovelies, A quick hello from my ‘suitcase life’ 😀 I’m working on creating some video content for you guys. Soon, I will be able to show more in less time. And you will get an even better and more real idea of what is happening on my travels. Be it the big and fabulous endeavors or the small and super low key cozies. LA traffic ~ you suck! This first video is from my

Why do you love Ibiza so much? That’s a question I often get from people who: 1. Either have not visit the island yet 2. People who came to the island, but accidentally stayed in San Antonio (don’t ever do that!!) 3. People who are not into ‘that kind of music ‘   Let me start out by saying that once you find the key to the island (whatever that means to you) you will wanna come back again and again and again. I’ve travelled with friends, who are not

Always big smiles when in New York City. Here in front of our boutique hotel in Soho ‘My Suitcase Lifestyle’ Confessions from a World traveller in collaboration with Due to my frequent flying and years of international endeavors I often get asked the following question:  ‘Where are you based these days Kristina?’ My swift reply has become:  ‘Out of my suitcase’, which is my current status. For quite a while my home has been where I drop my suitcase this particular night. Hence, I’ve begun to refer my lifestyle

New vintage dress and sunset on the roof top on Mr. Purple never gets old New York Weekend Get-away It’s no secret that New York City holds my heart like no other city. Back in 2008 I came out with the book ‘NYC Head Over High Heels’ and every visit since is a fabulous re-exploration of the concrete jungle and city that never sleeps. Now, this trip is probably the first time I did it with a man on my arm. Usually NYC trips is a ‘girls only’ adventure.  (The

The past year held much turmoil, moving, traveling and rearrangements and I’ve neglected my blog and you guys who are so kind to check in with me. I’m truly sorry! The neglecting part is over. Small steps are being taken to get my blog back into shape with more features and possibilities. I met these 2 gorgeous, Danish girls who told me a thing or two about blogging. (My page is still work in progress, so please bare with me!) But these ladies are cool, fun, creative, down to Earth,

Campaign for Niophlex. Cannes Take Two You know you’re in the New Mexican desert when it’s bikini weather one moment and the next we have a snow storm. Bipolar weather plus AC gave me the axe and I’ve been down with a nasty cold in bed for the past 2 days. It blows to spend your vacation in bed, but it gives me time to blog and to catch up on TV shows. I’m inspired by my friends’ pictures from Cannes and the festival, which just kicked off. So here

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