Book your Favorite Hotel in the World with me and get a Discount!

Always big smiles when in New York City. Here in front of our boutique hotel in Soho

‘My Suitcase Lifestyle’

Confessions from a World traveller in collaboration with

Due to my frequent flying and years of international endeavors I often get asked the following question:  ‘Where are you based these days Kristina?’ My swift reply has become:  ‘Out of my suitcase’, which is my current status. For quite a while my home has been where I drop my suitcase this particular night. Hence, I’ve begun to refer my lifestyle to ‘the suitcase lifestyle’.

Sunset panorama view from a helipad in Downtown LA where I had a shoot #dtla

‘Where are you based these days Kristina?’ My swift reply is ‘Out of my suitcase’

Between filming, modeling, my family, my love life, visiting friends I am spread across a few nations. Glamorous? Nah, usually not. But without tooting my horn too much, I can say that all the nomading around the Globe has made me a pretty decent scout when it comes to finding the best flights and hotel accommodation in most cities around the world. Let’s face it! Details matter when it comes to quality, service and price. Especially if you travel often.

I believe that ‘discount’ is a timeless concept, that will never go out of style

As much as I love finding great flights, with shortest lay over, airports with good lounges and or restaurants and beautiful hotels with the best service money can buy, I also adore the concept of ‘discount’.  Saving money on a great deal. I mean, who doesn’t? I believe that ‘discount’ is a timeless concept, that will never go out of style.


Oh yes! I snuck a few hours pool time in here and there @ the Waldorf Astoria #luxury

Lunching in glorious heights #WaldorfAstoria #Rooftop

 In July I filmed with a Danish film production company in various places in the US. It made my day that production let me be in charge of hotel scouting. I know it’s not my job, but making sure the accommodation is on point is something I care about. I use to find every single hotel we picked for our travel. Without exception. 

I use to find every single hotel we picked for our travel

Price, value for money, service and the simplicity in navigation made it an easy choice for me to use I spend less time in front of the computer and get more value for my money.
Rain & shine over the Jemez mountains #NewMexico
Playtime! Climbing up into ancient Native American cave formations #NewMexico
For instance, I knew that we would be shooting in the New Mexican desert and we would be covered in dust from dawn until dusk. I went online and found a great hotel, close to our main location with a huge swimming pool within budget. How cool! I took a swim every day, was happy and did a much better job on the shoot.
Sunset view looking east over Beverly Hills
When location scouting a stop over in the city of  ‘Truth or Consequences’ becomes mandatory #Adventure
When we were in New York my focus was to find the best location for what I like in the city that never sleeps. I used to live in New York and love the city so much I even wrote a book about the city. And honestly, most of my favorite local New York ‘water holes’ are downtown. So I picked a boutique hotel in Soho where everything is only a hop and a skip away. Again, within budget.
In Los Angeles, which has been my home for the past 9 years, it was fun to browse hotels. It felt like a ’stay-cation’ even though it was a work trip. We decided on Beverly Hills and again we experienced super service and prime location.

Book your next trip or hotel through me and save DKK 200 when you use my special September campaign!!!

The discount on your booking will get reimbursed to you once you have gone on the trip. It’s simple: Book, travel, enjoy, exhale and rest assured that the money hits your account once you are back home 🙂


Runway in JFK. Ready for new adventures #TakeOff
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