‘When I’m acting I feel more alive than anywhere else. I’m forced to be in the here and now and to take every moment in like it was the last. It’s exhilarating!’

Although Kristina is born in Elsinore, Denmark, she spent a great deal of her childhood and adult years growing up in Los Alamos and Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA, amongst the world leading scientists. 

She has a degree in Film & Media from Copenhagen University, a journalism degree from University of Stockholm, a semester studying directing and acting at UCLA as well as a degree from the William Esper Acting Studio in New York. 

She has spent half of her life exploring the world in her work as a model, actress, TV host, writer, movie maker and entrepreneur. Yet the other half of her time she has spent in marketing and communicating, including making understandable content matter about living and intelligent technologies, as well as working at the interface between art and science both as a movie maker and as a speaker at conferences.

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