I shot this cover one night at West 54th street. It’s a 6′ 3” transvestite wearing a pair of Christian Louboutin heels.
This is the cover of my first novel/book. It’s a blend of genres and hard to label. It’s a love story between me and NYC – the city that never sleeps. My ambition is to give you NYC from my perspective. Fun, raw, sexy, cute, extremely fast paced and of course très fashion ;-).
The city is like the man of your deepest desire. The more you get to know him the better he gets. The more your explore NYC’s quirky hoods, cool and fashionable streets and beautiful parks the better the city gets. It’s the new city. it keeps changing and is in constant development, because young people arrive every day with a suitcase full of dreams tons of energy and talent. NYC is the first city I’ve ever felt at home in and a part of. It’s massive, dirty, smelly, hot, sexy and absolutely breathtaking.
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November 2011 a brand new and updated version comes out in English with worldwide distribution. First launch was in Beverly Hills on November 9th. The next launch party will be in NYC on December 5th 2011.
This is the cover and back cover of the new book:
Cover shot by Victor Medina-San Andrés in NYC
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