Trailer Talk from Los Angeles

Robert Knepper & I after wrap
Trailer Talk from Los Angeles
A little peek behind the scenes and into my trailer on the movie ‘1st Born’
Last month I shot the movie 1st Born. I play a small part, but had the pleasure of working with super stars Robert Knepper and Jay Abdo. Two fantastic human beings and fabulous character actors. Such a joyride to work with them and be on set with our great Iranian director Ali Atshani, who directed everyone in his native tongue (!) It was fun and may I add a new for me to have an interpreter shadow Ali translating every word from Iranian to English.
Here is a little peek into my trailer on set on an early morning north of Hollywood
Yes, I know. Boring – only me in the trailer. The boys had their own trailers next to mine. Below you’ll find some stills from set 😉
Robert: “Is it true that my name has another meaning in Danish? Like ‘to fuck’ or something like that?” Me: “Uhm, haha yes!”
Head of make up shooting me (prior to make up) as I’m shooting us #MetaMeta
Jay Abdo is the best! So much fun working with him.
And the inevitable selfie with make up and good light 😉
Yeah, still here enjoying the waiting game before I’m called on set
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