Cannes Take Two

niophlex skuespiller korsholm actress danish

Campaign for Niophlex.

Cannes Take Two

You know you’re in the New Mexican desert when it’s bikini weather one moment and the next we have a snow storm. Bipolar weather plus AC gave me the axe and I’ve been down with a nasty cold in bed for the past 2 days. It blows to spend your vacation in bed, but it gives me time to blog and to catch up on TV shows. I’m inspired by my friends’ pictures from Cannes and the festival, which just kicked off. So here is one more and last post about Cannes and the stuff we did last year…

We stayed a few minutes outside the center of the busy Croisette in a huge apartment with our own little garden. It was the perfect oasis for us to come home to after long busy days shooting under the sun. 

Check out some of our work below!

Again I wanna thank the awesome team that made the campaign possible:

Id Hair / Morten Melhede / Sophia Hviid / Mia Kronholm / Romp Boutique / Elsa Adams / Shamballa Jewels

Niophlex Commercial from Kristina Korsholm on Vimeo.

I can’t get enough of the sea. The colors are so beautiful!

And this is the ‘behind the scenes’ of Sophia shooting me and hair guru Morten holding the light reflector when he is not grooming my hair.

This is shot on the red carpet where film industry does their ‘step and repeat’.

The Swedes also like our photos 🙂

This is the ‘behind the scenes’ from the picture above

  From the yacht

Post yacht behind the scenes of me barefoot on a red carpet. I probably needed a bathroom break 😉

It was freezing shooting this outfit. Make up artist Mia is holding the lamp and I’m goofing around 😉

This was the first day of arrival. My hair needed a Niophlex treatment before we shot anything. Mia and Morten taking care of business 😉

And check out how healthy my hair looks now!

Party time at Nordisk Film. This balcony is legendary and everyone talks about how scared they are it might collapse during a party.

This photo didn’t make the cut. But I love it. It’s sooo me! I’m like a child when it comes to playtime

But this one did! Even though it’s without the children, I still like it a lot.


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