Sweet Nothing

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Early morning. Walk on the beach. #Californication #love

Hi everyone, How is your week going?

Can I please just vent about my day for a minute? That was a rhetorical question. Thank you! So here we go:

Waking up to a cold this morning and I can hardly breathe. I already know this is going to be a ‘shit show’ of a day. I open my email and find 6 scenes that I have to memorize before I go into a major network TV pilot casting in a few hours. Argh!  My printer runs dry out of ink meanwhile my period decides to maker her cute appearance after being a week late (ugh!), which equals bloating and tops off my already pissy mood. Add to that a truly bad hair day and later on, after I exit the audition, 2 parking tickets. Not 1, but 2 parking tickets donated by the same parking violation lady in unbecoming tight khaki pants with a mean attitude. Man! Did she just adore giving me the knife as I was pleading my case on Melrose avenue in my heels and sorry ass audition outfit. I was only 1,5 minute late. She didn’t even say she was sorry. I believe her. For Heaven’s sake!

Ok done. And can I just state for the record: That felt good! 🙂

Sometimes it does the trick to speak or cry your heart out without a purpose. I guess it’s a female thing, so in case I have any male readers tonight let it go. Men! Please just understand that these situations happen once in a while for a lot of us women and you should NOT try to fix them/us regardless of what we say or cry about. A good piece of advice is to just keep quiet, give us a hug, listen (or look like you do). Or for your own sake even better; see if you can make other plans and not be around us.

Enough from me tonight. Here are a few snap shots from the last week in LA.

Much love xx KK.

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Gorgeous UK actress Claire, producer/actress Alexis & Ricardo owner of Red Hot PR Society @ Pour Vous catching up


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