Rock’n’Roll People
Sorry! It’s been far too long since I posted anything in here. I’ve been too busy on different accounts so when I finally arrived home all I wanted to do was crash with a movie or a book.
Since I got back from Europe a little over a month ago I’ve mainly focused on finding the right post production house / scenario for our documentary about Artificial Life. We are almost done filming and it’s super exciting to see the little dots slowly come together one by one. Once we have a trailer I’ll make sure to share it right here. Tonight my dad arrives. He was just at Princeton University talking about artificial life and the next couple of days we will get some footage and sound we need to complete the movie.
Other than the documentary I’ve done a few shoots. Some I cannot disclose any pictures from yet, but here is a few snaps from yesterday’s shoot with Rock’n’Roll People. They still need retouch, but you will get an idea… 😉
Have a beautiful night and speak soon!
xx KK
Photography: Nikolai Nalu @ Rock’n’Roll People / Styling: Lehang Pedersen @ Love me Twice
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