Heart of Stone

Heart of STONE pic1mini

Greetings from sizzling hot Copenhagen where the weather is better than I recall it has ever been during a Danish Summer. Sun every day for months and temperatures around 25-30 degrees celsius. Some Danes complain…. I’m all over it like white on rice.

I’m still here in Denmark enjoying some family and friend time. It’s called vacation :-). But after a few days up north by the beach I felt jittery and went back into town where I can stay in the shade, I started working out again and I bicycle around half empty streets. The city is so quiet during July when everybody is away. I love it.

During my vacay I was offered a role in a indie project called ‘Heart of Stone’. Even though I was supposed to do nothing and relax these 2 weeks, this part came conveniently to me. Victoria Stone is one of the only Caucasian women left alive on planet Earth in an apocalyptic Universe, which has a solid Mad Max feel to it. I get to play one bad ass, strong viking woman, who kicks ass in her search of her father.

Some people asked me; why are you doing this on your vacation time? It is not a glamorous shoot at all, you are wearing layers of heavy leather garments during a crazy heat wave climbing up steep hills and running through fields of 7 feet thorn bushes. Why don’t you just want to lie on the beach and maintain your tan? I thought about it a bit… And a part from the obvious answer that I love making movies, the part of Victoria is perfect for me to explore this Summer: Anger, frustration and despair. All feelings that sometimes get accumulated. And yes I’m a huge yoga freak, which relaxes me and gives me strength. But still…. When you live in LA and deal with flakes and gossipy personalities on prescription drugs on a daily basis sometimes playing a part like Victoria Stone is the perfect solution. I release serious tension without anyone getting hurt… 😉

Here are a few snaps from the first 2 days of shooting…. more to come

xx KK

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Director Shaky Gonzalez and I between takes, one of the scavengers in the movie and me after wrap 🙂

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